Monday 23 May 2011


1. Biotechnology is one of technology that can be part of human by operation.

2. In my opinion, the one will get benefit is someone that was born witbout hands or missed some parts of body. Second is the one that cannot control their body parts properly or their body parts are too weak to work. So after the operations to get new body parts such as hand. They do not lost their hand but the get new one. But their hand may not flexible like normal people, except their hand can have more skills and more stable.

3. I think to replace human body parts is fine but to use our normal body parts is more flexible and easier so it is unethical.

Saturday 21 May 2011


Tuesday 26 April 2011

future technology

Future technology is very convenient which everything is controlled by one. In my opinion, I think that is so cool which I don't have to go outside to buy but I can buy on internet and when I wake up, I can turn on the water immediately and brush my teeth and I can also hear my favorite song and watch how is the weather,... It can help us do everything quickly and have more time on other thing such as works which we need to spend a lot of times, homework too, and family times is what we need have everyday to closer to each other in our family and to be happy . Or most are about the important things. But the important thing is about our health. One day we don't need to do much because technology do our works for us except homework, work,.. Even we need to do homework, work,.. by ourselves but it is just brain works so it is really affect our health if we don't exercise much. Technology always has its good things and bad things.

Monday 14 March 2011

Monday 7 March 2011

Cultural Diversity

Diversity means the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness. For example, cultural diversity is difference culture, unlikeness or human can be diversity or food,... It is very important to respect diversity because we counld learn a lot from those cultural diversity. They can help us, we can know each other clearer. The communities between those cultural diversity with our country can help us avoid war or prevent war. About politic, the piplomacy between us and cultural diversity help us be better such as trade, co-operation, so this will improve our country, our techniques,... If people on the world don't respect cultural diversity, some terrible things may happen such as war. People don't know each other much and people are not very friendly, so war can easily happen. If now people don't respect cultural diversity, people won't help each other when people have problems such as about economy, army, poor people... We don't have much knowledges about every countries's culture and we cannot co-operate together. So respect cultural diversity can help us a lot but if now we don't respect anymore, the world might change and war happen, so that why it is important.

Thursday 10 February 2011

TET homework

the differences between newspaper and internet are:
_internet's informations have color, video while newspaper's informations just have black and white color and images.
_Internet is convenient to use because we can use search engine or some newspaper websites and it will list for us many informations while newspaper is not because we buy it from outside and then we must pay money.
_Internet is easy to read because it is easy to focus, it has big words, colorful and we don't need to hold it on hand like newspaper. Newspaper has small word so some old people need to wear glasses to see it.

the similar between newspaper and internet is:
_Both newspaper and internet have informations and title.
_They all want to illustrate about their information. and sometimes newspaper and internet have images.
_newspaper and internet all have the date that times happens.

2. newspaper usually makes people trust it because its informations are posted to the whole world and it is usually checked again by its company. But internet is often posted by people's opinion except for some websites such as BBS NEWS,... and newspaper is usually better for some people don't know english so people usually use newspaper.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Sport survey

My three trends are:

1. most of people like soccer more than tennis.
2. many people think team work is better than work alone.
3. people think when they become a champion, they want be friend with messi or good people than collect money.

My newspaper report going to be about Messi.

Monday 10 January 2011


A barnacle has the largest penis of any other animal in relation to its size

Thursday 6 January 2011


My holiday

I have a great holiday. In my holiday, I had been to north Vietnam. And north Vietnam is very cold. I visited many places in north Vietnam such as some beaches and some shrines. Until I went to this beach and I saw people fly in the sky. That made me surprised. After five minutes, I recognized that It was just a game. They was tied to the canoe with a huge umbrella behind them and depends on the wind blows the umbrella up and pull them up with it. In my holiday, I have very scary times. When I visited my grandparents, I saw a puppy ran on the road. Then a car ran ran with high speed and it ran to the dog. then I close my eyes, I thought there was an accident but there was not. Because the dog is too small and the car is too big that the dog could go under the car. So the dog was very lucky but I scared a lot. When I came back to "Sai Gon". My mom took me to a Japanese restaurant name is "Zen". Its food is very delicious. I ate a lot. I love their shrimp sushi. It is so good that I ate 10 sushi. Then I came home with a full stomach. Until tomorrow when I stood on a balance. I was forty-five ki-lo-gram. But last times I was just forty-four ki-lo-gram. And I said "Wow".