Tuesday 1 May 2012

Copyright and the law

  • Copyright: the information (ideas, pictures, works,...) is protected by law which means people cannot steal it.
  • Copy free: The information (ideas, pictures, works,...) that is not protected by law which means people can steal it without getting trouble.
  • Trademark: Company's symbol that is registered by law.
  • Creative common: A group that work by sharing free copy works
  • Royalty free: Right to use products for a specific of time without paying
  • GNU licensed: A software that shares free copy works
  • Public domain: Information that is not copyright such as clip art, program,... And you can use it or copy it or steal it. And its information maybe not correct.

Thursday 26 April 2012

checking your sources

  •  Does the information have proof like screenshot, history,...?
  • Using 5 W to analyze the information. (who, when, where, why, what)
  • Is the information relate to anything else (outside the subject)?
  • Read comment and opinion of people through the information (you can watch the opinion on Youtube or read the comment below the news or video)
  • Is it some kind of propaganda (scape goat, bandwagon, lesser than 2 evils..)
  • Go through google if you can search any more about the information
  • Divide the title or the subject of the information to many parts then analyze it and go through the web to search if there is any part linking to the title that you want to classify