Thursday 10 February 2011

TET homework

the differences between newspaper and internet are:
_internet's informations have color, video while newspaper's informations just have black and white color and images.
_Internet is convenient to use because we can use search engine or some newspaper websites and it will list for us many informations while newspaper is not because we buy it from outside and then we must pay money.
_Internet is easy to read because it is easy to focus, it has big words, colorful and we don't need to hold it on hand like newspaper. Newspaper has small word so some old people need to wear glasses to see it.

the similar between newspaper and internet is:
_Both newspaper and internet have informations and title.
_They all want to illustrate about their information. and sometimes newspaper and internet have images.
_newspaper and internet all have the date that times happens.

2. newspaper usually makes people trust it because its informations are posted to the whole world and it is usually checked again by its company. But internet is often posted by people's opinion except for some websites such as BBS NEWS,... and newspaper is usually better for some people don't know english so people usually use newspaper.